Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Morning Worship

Today was an exciting day in the Lord, God's children were excited as they enter through the doors this morning. It was hot and dreary outside, but on the inside God was refreshing His children with showers of blessings.
Bro. David Hodges did an outstanding job as he led the choir in some old time gospel singing. The Praise Team did a beautiful job as they sung "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone". The message was title "I Will Dwell In" from Psalm 23, you're either in or out, no in between. When we allow God to dwell "IN" us, He can do mighty things through us and for us.
It was so good to have our visitors with us this morning. Lagiya and Jimmy Hodges back with us, Thelma and Orlando, and Bro. & Sis. Wynn's family who was visiting from Georgia. Several faces were missing this morning, Herschell Galbreath family is in for the "Galbreath's Family Reunion", Emily was visiting family, Carol is soon to have a knee replacement, Garner's were not able to attend, Sis. Lyles' power was out and many more. When you are out, you're missed. God bless everyone.

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